Classmate Profiles
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Elliot Abelson

Then photo
City: Los Angeles, CA 90069

Mary Ellen Ackerman (Maffia)

Then photo
City: Brewster
Country: US
State / Province: MA
Highlights of your life since graduation:
After completing my graduate work in Colorado, I married and lived in a variety of National Parks to include the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Dinosaur, Voyagers and finally to Cape Cod National Seashore. I have held a variety of teaching positions from Project Headstart to teaching at the University Level. I even started a school for juvenile delinquents in Minnesota. I have had many transitions in my lifestyle, the most striking perhaps was moving from Death Valley in 120 degrees to International Falls, MN where it was 40 degrees below zero our first winter there. I have shared all these transitions with my two children who now have children of their own. Family remains the core component of my life to include my two sisters and their families in the Chicago area. My departure from the high school classroom 6 years ago allowed my consulting to expand. I have lead workshops in Kuala Lampur, Santo Domingo as well as cities throughout the United States. For recreation I ride my bike and have toured many states by pedal. My favorite bike ride was across Iowa with RAGBRAI and the other 5,000 plus riders. In the winter I cross-country ski.

Richard Adelman

Then photo

Mark Alexander

Then photo
City: Skokie
Country: US
State / Province: IL
Grade school attended: Arthur Dixon
Highlights of your life since graduation: 2 Beautiful & Wonderful Grandchildren

Rhoda Alexander ( Tennenbaum)

City: wilmette
Country: US
State / Province: IL
Grade school attended: bryn mawr
Highlights of your life since graduation:
lots of wonderful grandchildren
I hope this isn't too late to go in the book I know I should have sent it long ago

Ronald Alpert

Then photo
City: Irvine
Country: US
State / Province: CA
Highlights of your life since graduation:
retired pediatrician; married 42 yrs with 3 grand children
Memories or anything else you'd like to share:
fond memories of my good friend Julian Scheinbuks who died in the year.

Ferne Avery (Drachler)

Then photo
City: Scottsdale
Country: US
State / Province: AZ
Grade school attended: Horace Mann through 7A, graduated from Bryn Mawr
Highlights of your life since graduation:
Attended the U. of Connecticut from ‘61 to ’65. Then lived in Boston for 2 years, teaching fifth grade, while my husband finished optometry school. Then on to Ft. Hood, Texas for two years. Back to Connecticut until ’74 when I got divorced. Traveled to Israel where I met my husband, Stephen, at an ulpan (Hebrew language school). We lived and worked in Chicago from ’75, taking a break for two years from ’83 to ’85 when we lived in Israel. Stephen retired in ’99 and I followed in ’00. Along the way, I got my master\'s in early childhood development and worked for the Chicago JCC running early childhood programs. Since ’03, we had split our time between Highland Park and Scottsdale AZ. However, due to my husband’s health issues, we moved full time to Scottsdale where I still live. My husband died in 2012. Have been doing a lot of traveling during the last six years.
Memories or anything else you'd like to share: It was a wonderful time and a special place.

Gail Backer (see Memorials)

Marie Baker (Thomsen)

Then photo
City: Frankfort
State / Province: IL

George Bakouris

Then photo
City: King Ferry NY 13081

Forgot password


Elliot Abelson

Then photo
City: Los Angeles, CA 90069

Mary Ellen Ackerman (Maffia)

Then photo
City: Brewster
Country: US
State / Province: MA
Highlights of your life since graduation:
After completing my graduate work in Colorado, I married and lived in a variety of National Parks to include the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Dinosaur, Voyagers and finally to Cape Cod National Seashore. I have held a variety of teaching positions from Project Headstart to teaching at the University Level. I even started a school for juvenile delinquents in Minnesota. I have had many transitions in my lifestyle, the most striking perhaps was moving from Death Valley in 120 degrees to International Falls, MN where it was 40 degrees below zero our first winter there. I have shared all these transitions with my two children who now have children of their own. Family remains the core component of my life to include my two sisters and their families in the Chicago area. My departure from the high school classroom 6 years ago allowed my consulting to expand. I have lead workshops in Kuala Lampur, Santo Domingo as well as cities throughout the United States. For recreation I ride my bike and have toured many states by pedal. My favorite bike ride was across Iowa with RAGBRAI and the other 5,000 plus riders. In the winter I cross-country ski.

Richard Adelman

Then photo

Mark Alexander

Then photo
City: Skokie
Country: US
State / Province: IL
Grade school attended: Arthur Dixon
Highlights of your life since graduation: 2 Beautiful & Wonderful Grandchildren

Rhoda Alexander ( Tennenbaum)

City: wilmette
Country: US
State / Province: IL
Grade school attended: bryn mawr
Highlights of your life since graduation:
lots of wonderful grandchildren
I hope this isn't too late to go in the book I know I should have sent it long ago

Ronald Alpert

Then photo
City: Irvine
Country: US
State / Province: CA
Highlights of your life since graduation:
retired pediatrician; married 42 yrs with 3 grand children
Memories or anything else you'd like to share:
fond memories of my good friend Julian Scheinbuks who died in the year.

Ferne Avery (Drachler)

Then photo
City: Scottsdale
Country: US
State / Province: AZ
Grade school attended: Horace Mann through 7A, graduated from Bryn Mawr
Highlights of your life since graduation:
Attended the U. of Connecticut from ‘61 to ’65. Then lived in Boston for 2 years, teaching fifth grade, while my husband finished optometry school. Then on to Ft. Hood, Texas for two years. Back to Connecticut until ’74 when I got divorced. Traveled to Israel where I met my husband, Stephen, at an ulpan (Hebrew language school). We lived and worked in Chicago from ’75, taking a break for two years from ’83 to ’85 when we lived in Israel. Stephen retired in ’99 and I followed in ’00. Along the way, I got my master\'s in early childhood development and worked for the Chicago JCC running early childhood programs. Since ’03, we had split our time between Highland Park and Scottsdale AZ. However, due to my husband’s health issues, we moved full time to Scottsdale where I still live. My husband died in 2012. Have been doing a lot of traveling during the last six years.
Memories or anything else you'd like to share: It was a wonderful time and a special place.

Gail Backer (see Memorials)

Marie Baker (Thomsen)

Then photo
City: Frankfort
State / Province: IL

George Bakouris

Then photo
City: King Ferry NY 13081